Serverside JavaScript ES compatibility

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Serverside JavaScript ES compatibility


Postby Segi » Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:07 pm

Which ES standard of JavaScript is the server side JavaScript compatible with ?

ES 5 or ES 6?
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Postby Jon » Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:12 pm

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Postby Segi » Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:14 pm


Thanks for that answer. ES6 is really powerful and I can't wait to use it with Ebase
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Postby dvanhussel » Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:45 am

I agree!

Also it would be really nice if something like Typescript could be used.

I think this would make it easier to leverage new functionality as it transpiles to ES5 or ES6. So the interface with the rest of the EbaseXi system would not change if a new version of Typescript would be added.

Also, I think that the JavaScript editor in Ebase could use some work. Especially when working with objects, the editor has no knowledge of which properties the object has. This makes it very easy to introduce typo's. And with our codebase in Ebase getting larger and larger, the need for some (basic) refactoring tools and (more advanced) syntax highlighting in the editor becomes more important to us. For example, if a field is renamed, it would be nice if the occurences of the old name in scripts would show that this field does not exist.

Ofcourse I don't know how hard it would be to change/update the editor in the Designer, but for example something like Monaco would be great. I use VSCode for edditing client side JS (TypeScript in fact) of Ebase forms and that makes me a lot more productive then using the default Ebase editor.

Is there any indication if and if so, when things like this will be added to new versions of Ebase? The Roadmap on the ebasetech website is not up to date, it states that 5.2 will be the new version, wich was released a year ago :wink:
More generaly speaking I would like to know what whe can expect the EbaseXi system to be heading to in the near future.

I'm sorry if this post should be in 'Feature requests' and reads lik a 'rant' on the editor. It's not intended like that at all but I was triggerd by Segi's remark about ES6 and I would love so see EbaseXi become an even better product then it allready is :D
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Postby Steve » Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:25 pm

Thanks Dave for the feedback,

Yes, I admit that the JavaScript editor needs some work, especially with the JavaScript objects + functions. This functionality is just not implements and only supports root variables and functions. But I would like to implement this properly.

Also I will make a note of the Typescript as something to look at.

Kind regards

Steve Upton
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