Safe to delete contents of UFSServer\Deployments

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Safe to delete contents of UFSServer\Deployments


Postby Segi » Fri Oct 07, 2016 9:55 pm

The folder UFSServer\Deployments is taking up a lot of space and looks like something that I think is dynamically generated. Can I safely delete this folder?
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Postby Jon » Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:06 am

There is a scheduled task that does this - it should delete both the files and the corresponding database records. The task is distributed in ebaseSamples/Scheduled_Tasks/DeploymentMaintenance and by default runs monthly and should remove any deployments older than 60 days. You might want to adjust these numbers.

To answer your question directly, yes you can delete these files. The worst that can happen is that if you try and view a deployment using the server admin app, you will get an error.
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