Integrate an external system or forms with Xi Workflow

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Integrate an external system or forms with Xi Workflow


Postby Wai » Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:59 pm

If you have already developed a system but you want to use Ebase Workflow to automate a business process behind the system.

How do you go about doing this?

1. Starting a Workflow Job
If you just need to start/open a runtime workflow process, you can do this by publishing an Ebase Xi web service which executes the command to start the process. You can pass in the process name and any workflow parameters in the request.

2. Performing an interactive task
If you have your own screens already built for your external system and would like to re-use them instead of recreating them in Ebase.

An Interactive task in a workflow process needs to have an interactive activity associated to it. The simplest option is to associate an Ebase form with the activity.

The Ebase form will then redirect the user to your external screen which the user needs to complete passing to it any request parameters and a return URL.

On Submission the external system returns back to the Ebase form and a Workflow Complete command is executed.
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