Create form instance via web service API

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Create form instance via web service API


Postby john_colvin » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:25 pm

Is it possible with Ebase to create a form instance and populate the form data via a web service?

We have a third party application that gathers data and we want to create an Ebase form instance and populate it with this data; this would be done via our integration technology and would ideally be done via a web service method. Forgive my terminology as I am not familair with the EBase product suite.
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Re: Create form instance via web service API


Postby AJDulk » Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:59 am

Yes, it is possible to populate a form with the data retrieved from a web-service.
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Postby john_colvin » Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:25 pm

Thx for the answer. To be clear, is there a web service available in EBase to create and populate a form? I dont mean that EBase calls a thrid party web service I mean the 3rd party application will call a web service exposed by EBase that creates the form etc.
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Re: Create form instance via web service API


Postby AJDulk » Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:54 am

You can create web-services in Ebase (if you have the Integration Server option in your license). Your application could call this service and pass data to it. Ebase could then save the data or send it on.

To be clear on this, you would need to define the service in Ebase - you cannot throw unstructured data at a program and expect the program to know what to do with the data - this means that you have to know what you wish to receive from the application and you have to program an Ebase web-service to accept this data.

I am not aware of any standard Ebase method to then take the data that has been received via the web-service and to display it immediately to a screen in a form. The only way I know of how to do this is to have the form poll to see if any new data is available, load the data and display it - to do this you need to program using JavaScript on the client-side, and you would need to save the information from the web-service somewhere (database, xml, csv, etc).
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