Strange behaviour when printing repeater table

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Strange behaviour when printing repeater table


Postby fronsky » Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:51 pm

I want to pdfprint a form with a repeater containing a table.

When printing, a new page is created just after having printed the table header, already at the beginning of the page. The rows with data are printed on the next page. All rows fit on that second page. This doesn't look well. Strangely when having more rows than that can fit on a page, the rows are printed immediately after the header. This is how it should look.

Can I change this behaviour?
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Re: Strange behaviour when printing repeater table


Postby Segi » Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:07 pm

If you go to the repeater properties, at the very bottom, there's a property that says "Page Break Only on new row" is this checked ?
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Re: Strange behaviour when printing repeater table


Postby fronsky » Wed Dec 11, 2019 9:25 am

Yes, this is checked. I tried both options.
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Re: Strange behaviour when printing repeater table


Postby Steve » Wed Dec 11, 2019 10:00 am

Hi Fronsky,

From previous conversations I assume that you are using the wkhtmltopdf engine? Could you try the same using the flying saucer PDF engine?

You can adjust this on the Server Admin-->General Properties-->PDF Properties

I am interested whether both engines cause the same issue? If it does then it's probably a fault of the CSS style/HTML that the server generates.

Could you also put the PDF engine back after the test above to wkhtmltopdf engine and set the debug options by:

Editing the log4j.xml that is located (Integrated Server) in the directory:


and add just above the <root> element... you'll see an example commented out:

Code: Select all

<logger name="com.ebasetech.ufs.pdf.wkhtmltopdf" additivity="false">
    <level value="ALL" />
    <appender-ref ref="SYSLOG"/>
Restart the Integrated Server and print out the PDF again.

Then send me the output from the log:



From the output I will be able to generate the PDF here.


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Re: Strange behaviour when printing repeater table


Postby fronsky » Thu Dec 12, 2019 2:55 pm

Thanks Steve.

There is a difference. With flying saucer it prints immediately after the header. That's ok, despite differences in layout.

I already migrated my designer to 5.5.6, so need some help to find the logs yr looking for. I changed the log4j.xml.
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Re: Strange behaviour when printing repeater table


Postby Steve » Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:43 pm


The logs are now located in the user.home directory, for example on windows:

tomcat log:


and :

ebasetest webapp log:

Kind regards

Steve Upton
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Re: Strange behaviour when printing repeater table


Postby fronsky » Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:07 am

Thank you. My late answer is due to the fact that I migrated from 5.5 to 5.6. Also I changed changed the way I present the pdf.

Because I now have the the source content for the pdf on a seperate page without a page component (a menu) it is now printing correctly. Probably differences in CSS/HTML influenced this. It now has no priority for me anymore.

I still have some challenges with the difference in server file structure between 5.5 and 5.6. I will address this in a seperate topic.
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