Using Angular applications as a JSP

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Using Angular applications as a JSP


Postby Segi » Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:49 pm

This might be slightly off topic but I wanted to see if anyone has experience using an Angular application as a forms' JSP

Here is the issue that I've noticed.

I have an Angular application that renders a horizontal menu bar that goes across the top of the page, centered and uses material UI to create a dynamic menu for the user based on the Verj applications that they are allowed to access. I attach this as a top JSP for every form that I want this menu bar to appear on and it works fine.

When you log into our local Intranet (which I created using Verj), the landing page is also an Angular application. On the landing page form, I attach this JSP to the bottom of the landing page forms' JSP and this is where the problem starts.

I cannot have 2 Angular pages attached as a JSP on the same form. If I have the menu app attached as the top JSP and the landing page attached as the bottom JSP, only the menu bar is rendered with a blank white page and no other content on the page.

If I remove the menu bar as a the top JSP, the landing page (attached as the bottom JSP) is rendered correctly.

The menu bar works fine as the top JSP on every other page besides the landing page because only the landing page form has more than 1 JSP. All of the other forms only have the menu bar as the top JSP.

I tried fixing this by using an iFrame in an HTML control but this brings about a whole other set of issues where the menu bar does not work correctly.

I tried putting the landing page content into an iFrame but it also has multiple rendering issues (extra scroll bars, height is too narrow)

Has anyone used Angular with Verj/Tomcat ?
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