LDAP attributes in IE/Firefox

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LDAP attributes in IE/Firefox


Postby sudjain » Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:43 am

We have LDAP configured in to ebase and could retrieve the email/first name/last name of the user successfully in Firefox when run in the designer or outside the ebase.However when running the same form after few hours outside the ebase the attributes are not retrived but within designer it fetches the values.
Also when i run the form in IE , the above values are not retrived.
Can any one throw a pointer for this problem ? Is there any settings involved for different browsers?or session timesout in Firefox?
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Postby Wai » Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:50 am

Have a look in the server log to see what are the differences when it works and when it does not work. Are there any error messages in the server log?

There should be no reason why the same form would not return values in IE to Firefox. What version of IE are you using?

There is a session timeout setting in the web.xml file. The default is set to 30 minutes.
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