Trouble DB connection in fresh install of 5.5

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Trouble DB connection in fresh install of 5.5


Postby fronsky » Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:48 pm

Instead of an upgrade I did a fresh install of 5.5. I encountered an issue when accessing my MySQL db.
My app failed. First I thought I missed a setting creating the DB connection, but the Designer/Server Admin App gives also an error when accessing the 'data source info button' in the connections overview. Although a test of the newly created db connection was ok. It seems REST related.

See images.



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Re: Trouble DB connection in fresh install of 5.5


Postby Steve » Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:36 am

Hi Fronsky,

Are you testing the database connection through the Client-->Test Server or the On-Premise Verj Server?

Could you send your server log to and I will take a look.

If you are loading the server admin from the On-Premise Verj Server then the log files are in:


From the client test server:


Kind regards

Steve Upton
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