No logging in catalina.out

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No logging in catalina.out


Postby dvanhussel » Fri Feb 05, 2016 2:06 pm


We are planning to upgrade one of our production servers from 4.5.4 to 5.0.1 (running on Redhat Enterprise Linux)

On a copy of our dev server, the upgrade went ok.

Now I'm doing the upgrade on our staging server. When the server is started the first time 'Ebase Server initialising....' is displayed in catalina.out and then nothing else. When I was upgading the developmentserver the upgrade process was logged here, showing what was updated.

After waiting for some minutes, there was still no output, but no errors either.
After testing, the upgrade was completed, the Workspace was created and forms can be run in a browser.

I cannot find a log of the upgrade. The server seems to be running ok, but I would like to see a 'upgrade completed successfully' in a log, just for comfort :wink:

On our development server something like 'Ebase started succesfull' is logged. On this server it is just 'Ebase Server initialising....'
Any output a form does with print, is logged correctly.

It seems logging is not configured correctly. This has worked as it always did untill the upgrade. Can you give me some pointers on how to correct this?


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Postby Steve » Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:56 pm

Do you have a commons-logging.<some version>.jar file in the

<UfsServer>/tomcat/webapps/ufs/WEB-INF/lib folder?

If you do, remove this.

There should be a commons logging.<some version>.jar inside:

<UfsServer>/tomcat/lib folder.

This may fix your problem. I had a similar problem upgrading one of my Ebase systems and I think that this fixed it.

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Problem solved


Postby dvanhussel » Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:13 pm

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your reply.

This was not the cause of the problem, I had no version of commons-logging in our webapp/WEB-INF/lib folder.

After doing some more research, I found that there where some, minor, differences between the contents of webapp/WEB-INF/lib/log4j.xml and the log4j.xml as it was in a local (fresh) installation of Ebase V5.

I replaced the file and now logging works again.

Just to be sure, I did the update again, and now the update log was working as well. It did indeed update correctly.

Now for the 'real' testing of all forms before we take the jump to update production :D


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