Task option 'Don't run if x time later than scheduled time'

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Task option 'Don't run if x time later than scheduled time'


Postby Hovik » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:59 pm

Posted by a customer on 16/12/2010

Where the Ebase server has been down for sometime, e.g. Powercut / System maintenance etc, any scheduled tasks not run during the downtime are processed as a 'Catch Up' once the server is restarted.

I would like an option on a Task for a 'Don't run if later that xxxx time after scheduled time' where 'xxxx' can be Days-Hours-Minutes.

Depending on the process the task is running, e.g. Batch Form, running the task late and out of sequence with other tasks, can cause problems with data being processed in the correct sequence.

Perhaps the scheduler could report in a the scheduler log that the Task has not been run and then reschedule the task for the next time.

e.g. weekly task is scheduled for 1st of Month, then it is not run on the 8th for some reason, the task would be re-scheduled for the 15th
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