V5.10.2 released

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Contact: V5.10.2 released


Postby Steve » Tue Jan 25, 2022 4:50 pm V5.10.2 is now available and can be downloaded using the links below.

Downloads: Studio Links:
Windows 64 bit: ... _win64.exe
Linux 64 bit: ... x64.tar.gz
Mac: ... _2_mac.dmg

On-premise Server Links
Windows 64 bit: ... _win64.exe
Linux 64 bit: ... x64.tar.gz

Changes introduced in Version 5.10.2:

  1. Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.55 that contains two important security fixes:
    • Bug fix to the Denial of Service introduced a memory leak. This is fixed in version 9.0.54.
    • Request Smuggling issue where Tomcat did not correctly parse the HTTP transfer encoding request header in some circumstances leading to the possibility of request smuggling used in a reverse proxy.
  2. Replaced logging API Log4J 1.2 with Log4J 2.17.1. This update will enable customers to customize their logging with all the latest security vulnerabilities addressed in Log4J2.

    The log4J2.xml configuration file will be automatically copied post upgrade when the server is restarted. If no changes were applied to the log4J.xml file, then the following note can be ignored:

    Merge the log4j.xml configuration changes to log4j2.xml using the Log4j2 configuration Guide

    Note that Log4J2 package names are different and they are not backwardly compatible with Log4J1.2. If you have used Log4J 1.2 in your custom code, then you will be required to add the log4J1.2.16.jar file to your webapp lib folder The locations are as follows:


    On-premise Server

Bug Fixes:
  1. Setting a breakpoint on a Web Resource JavaScript file and clicking the debug icon locks/crashes the Studio.

  2. Form error showing the error message:

    Error Script setField: Invalid fieldname mycontrolfield.displayonly in command >SET mycontrolfield.displayonly = true

    This is thrown when setting control property from FPL.

  3. Server side validation event not triggered when date is selected using popup window:

    Adding a field control to a page with the display type set to Date and immediate validation enabled, does not fire the validation event when a date is selected in the calendar date popup.

  4. Incorrect path to Server Resources folder in PWA manifest.

    Attaching images from the ServerResources folder to a PWA entity as icons, shows the incorrect path to the image resource:

    For example:

    Setting an icon in the PWA to:


    Shows the path:


    The correct path should be:


  5. Deploy and Run on server in the Studio, does not run the form after the deployment has completed.
Release notes and installation instructions:
See the V5.10.2 Readme
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