Source Control with Ebase5

Post any questions you have about using the Studio, including client and server-side programming with Javascript or FPL, and integration with databases, web services etc.

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Source Control with Ebase5


Postby PeteM » Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:40 am


Any body using this in anger?

We're testing a project using .git, with 3 developers running ebase server / developer locally. We've just done out first test of people working independently, then syncing back to source control, and it's not been the best experience with figuring out what's going on - wondered if anyone had any tips? Do people exclude forms and just concentrate on the scripts?

Cheers for any pointers!!

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Postby Steve » Thu Sep 28, 2017 8:12 am

Hi Peter,

What are the problems that you are experiencing?

Working with scripts should not really be too much of a problem and should be relatively easy to merge.

The problem's occur when you one or more people edit/change the Forms or Components as these are compound components and have multiple files associated with them.

If it is practical then I would avoid editing the same forms at the same time. And make sure that you are in sync with GIT before you edit the form, as merging changes can be difficult. I am not sure if there is any other way to avoid these issues.

Anyway, I would be interested in knowing what your issues are.

Kind regards

Steve Upton
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Postby PeteM » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:39 pm

Cheers for reply Steve -

The issues we've had is having 3 people working on a form - adding components, renaming etc just became a nightmare to work out what's going on when merging.

It's probably just compounded by not having used git before :-)

Previous experience with Team Foundation Sever / Visual Studio allowed me the concept of "Locking" files that could be problematic when it came to merging, a brief look online and it doesn't appear I can do that with git :-(
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Postby Steve » Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:47 am

I think the best bet is to communicate between yourselves and say that you are editing a form. I agree that it is not ideal.

I think that you will only encounter complicated merge issues with Forms and Components if you are adding new fields and new client events etc...

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