How to integrate Ebase with QAS- Quick Address Systems

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How to integrate Ebase with QAS- Quick Address Systems


Postby Jignesh » Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:03 pm

I have created a sample Ebase component and a test form to demonstrate this for Ebase version 3.3.0 onwards (It uses web services which were introduced in Ebase 3.3.0)

In order to test this you will need access to QAS – Quick Address Systems which supports web services. I have tested this on “QuickAddress Pro Web 5.20”.

The following are the steps:
  • 1) Download the QAS_COMP1.xml from

    2) Unzip this file into a temp folder.

    3) Copy the QAS_COMP1.xml file to <ufs>\UfsServer\transport folder

    4) Go to Ebase Designer and import this file.

    5) Navigate to IT elements -> External Resources -> Web Service Resources ->QAS_DO_SEARCH and QAS_GET_ADDRESS

    6) In both resources click on the <default> adapters and change the TARGET URL from http://localhost:2021/ to the address where QAS is installed.

    7) Navigate to Business projects -> QAS -> QAS_COMP and run this form
How does it work?
  • 1) A QAS component is developed and deployed onto the QAS_COMP form.
    2) QAS component uses the two web service resources, i.e. QAS_DO_SEARCH and QAS_GET_ADDRESS to do the postcode lookup and get the full address.
    3) When the user clicks on the “Find Address” button the script QAS_WS_DO_SEARCH passes the postcode to the web service and gets a list of possible addresses for that postcode.
    4) When the user chooses an address from the dropdown, the script QAS_WS_GET_ADDRSS calls the QAS_GET_ADDRESS web service passing it a unique identifier for the chosen address and returns the full address.
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