
Post any suggestions or enhancement requests about the platform or this Forum

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Posts: 68
Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:22 pm



Postby geadon » Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:02 pm

Is there any possibility that the format of messages could be changed?

Currently if you are displaying multiple messages at once, each message is separated by <br/> <br/>. This makes it very difficult to target and format the messages. For example, I am trying to add an exclamation before each line. No problem doing it on the first line, but each message thereafter has no icon and the indent doesn't line up.

If the messages were displayed as a list, or even each line in a <div> we could easily style the messages. I believe there are some CSS tricks to get first line etc. but that is a lot of work for little gain. I'm guessing it wouldn't be a massive change for Ebase and would give us much greater flexibility.

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