V5.5.0 released

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Contact: V5.5.0 released


Postby Steve » Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:04 pm V5.5.0 is now available and can be downloaded using the links below.

Full Release: Studio Links:
Windows 64 bit: ... _win64.exe
Linux 64 bit: ... x64.tar.gz
Mac: ... _0_mac.dmg

On-premise Server Links
Windows 64 bit: ... _win64.exe
Linux 64 bit: ... x64.tar.gz
Mac: ... _0_mac.dmg

Upgrade: ...

Here is a summary of changes introduced in Version 5.5.0:
  1. Addition of widgets: these represent discrete pieces of UI functionality such as charts, maps, trees, confirmation popups etc. They consist of visual elements displayed to the user plus optionally additional entities such as client-side or server-side scripts, CSS etc. Available widgets are displayed in a separate Widget View that sits alongside the Palette View, and widgets are dragged onto a page in much the same way as controls, and can then be configured. The widgets themselves are sourced from the Resource Hub and this will be updated regularly to add new content as it’s developed. It is also possible to create/install widgets in the local workspace.

  2. SCSS (“Sassy” CSS) files are supported as an alternative to regular CSS files. SCSS extends CSS and adds a number of really useful features such as variables, nesting, extensions, operators etc. SCSS files are compiled into CSS which is then sent to the browser – the system performs this compilation automatically whenever necessary, so SCSS files can be used in the Studio as direct replacements for CSS files.

  3. Java 11 is included in this release as an option. It is our intention that the following release will mandate using Java 11. If Java 11 is used, Atomikos (next item) is also required.

  4. The server components providing transaction management (JOTM) and database connection pooling (Xapool) have been replaced with Atomikos. The main driving force for this change has been the move to Java 11 but Atomikos represents a much better option as it is actively developed and supported, whereas both JOTM and Xapool have been inactive for a number of years. This change is optional in this release but it is our intention that it will be mandatory in the next release.

  5. Before control events have been extended to all controls – previously these were only available with Field Controls and Table Controls. Also before control events will now execute every time the system moves to a new page (using goto page or a configured next page button), and will be executed immediately after the before page event. This represents a change in behaviour: in previous releases before control events, with the exception of event fields, were only executed the first time any given page was displayed. If this change causes problems, the behaviour of previous releases can be reinstated by adding the following Java property to the server startup:


  6. Table Controls can be configured to “collapse” when displayed on narrow devices (phones). This means that each table row will be displayed vertically down the page instead of horizontally across the page. The breakpoint can be configured using the Collapse breakpoint property of Table Control.

    Additional styling options are available for the collapsed table display using the Table Control’s styling assistant > Table Columns > Advanced Properties

  7. Placeholder texts can be specified for Field Controls and Table Column Controls – this is configured using the Place holder property.

  8. The Fields View, Tables View and Resources Views have been changed to separate the display of form level elements from component or widget elements.

  9. When entering a field name, camel case names are now recognised and used to construct default label texts e.g. a field name of firstName will result in a label of First Name etc.

  10. A number of changes have been made to facilitate using client-side events with components or widgets:
    • The component prefix can be specified as the last parameter of the client API $eb.executeFunction() function. In most cases the system will determine when a component context should be applied to a server function called using $eb.executeFunction() but there are some circumstances where this doesn’t work and then this new parameter is required e.g. when a ready event is used to bind another jQuery event.
    • A new method $eb.getComponentPrefix() has been added to the client API
    • A data attribute data-eb-component-prefix has been added to all HTML elements generated for component or widget controls. This can be used to extract the component prefix for an HTML element using jQuery.
  11. The display of configured style sheets, client scripts, client callable event scripts and shared function scripts has been expanded to show elements configured in components/widgets installed into a form.

  12. The component name of an embedded component is now displayed in the Outline View.
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