V5.3.2 released

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Contact: V5.3.2 released


Postby Steve » Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:58 am V5.3.2 is now available and can be downloaded using the links below.

This release provides integration with the new Platform as a Service (PaaS) system which offers fully supported Ebase Xi servers running in the cloud and is also the new home for the Ebase website; the Ebase Xi Designer has been re-branded as the Studio. The studio provides the ability to deploy to either a server in the cloud (known as a service plan) or a non-cloud server (these are now known as on-premise servers); similarly you can run forms and test web services and workflow processes against either cloud or on-premise servers.

• The Full Release links install a new empty version of the 5.3.2 Studio or On-premise Server. Please note that it is not possible to import developments from a Version 4 system into Version 5.
• The Upgrade link provides the ability to upgrade an existing Ebase Version 4 or Version 5.x system to version 5.3.2

Full Release: Studio Links:
Windows 64 bit: ... _win64.exe
Windows 32 bit: ... _win32.exe
Linux 64 bit: ... x64.tar.gz
Linux 32 bit: ... x32.tar.gz
Mac: ... _2_mac.dmg

On-premise Server Links
Windows 64 bit: ... _win64.exe
Windows 32 bit: ... _win32.exe
Linux 64 bit: ... x64.tar.gz
Linux 32 bit: ... 32.tar.gzz
Mac: ... _2_mac.dmg

Upgrade: ...

Here is a summary of changes introduced in Version 5.3.2:

1. The Vault has been replaced by the Resource Hub. This contains tutorials, samples, templates and other technical content that provide advice and can be imported directly into the studio. The Resource Hub will become the major source of technical help and will be expanded in the future.

2. A new tabbing framework to contain multiple open entities has been added and many of the toolbars have been restructured.

3. A number of new controls have been added:

Container Controls:
  • Footer Control – same as a Panel Control but encloses content in a <footer>HTML tag
  • Header Control – same as a Panel Control but encloses content in a <header> HTML tag
  • Nav Control – same as a Panel Control but encloses content in a <nav> HTML tag
  • Section Control – same as a Panel Control but encloses content in a <section> HTML tag
List Controls – these provide the ability to display content in an ordered or unordered list and within list item HTML tags <li>:
  • List Panel Control – provides the ability to lay out any static content as a list
  • List Control – used to display dynamic list content e.g. from a database (Dynamic List) or a Static List or a list set via a script
  • List Text Control – used with a List Control to display a list item text
  • List Hyperlink Control – used with a List Control to display a list item text as a hyperlink
  • List Item Control – represents a <li>tag
  • Repeating List Control – provides the ability to display a table as a list
4. A new List Layout has been added which lays out the content of any container control as a list.

5. A new Class property has been added to the properties panel of most controls. This makes it easier to add CSS classes to a control – without the need to first display the styling assistant, click on Advanced properties etc.

6. A new external API has been introduced that allows non-Ebase apps to make stateful calls to an Ebase server by including a small amount of Javascript. This can be used by any non-Ebase app including mobile apps. Stateful in this context means that information is kept on the Ebase server between calls from any given client.

7. Support for information messages has been added. There are now three levels of message that can be added to a page and individually styled: info, warning, error. Information messages are added by Javascript scripts using one of the addInfoMessage() methods, and for FPL scripts via the message command.

8. Javascript API Changes:
  • New methods encryptAES() and decryptAES()have been added to EncryptionServices to provide encryption using the AES algorithm with 128 bit keys. The existing encrypt() and decrypt() methods have been deprecated as they use the DES algorithm with 64 bit keys; this DES algorithm is now considered as potentially vulnerable and customers are recommended to use the new AES methods instead.
  • New methods appendToFile()have been added to FileServices. These should be used when appending text to a file instead of the writeFile()methods that replace the file contents.
  • It is now possible to exclude some Java classes from the automatic conversion that occurs for server-side Javascript scripts when Java objects are transferred into the Javascript environment. This conversion behaviour is mostly beneficial but can occasionally cause problems; it includes the conversion of all Java lists (java.util.List) to Javascript arrays [] and the conversion of all Java maps (java.util.Map) to Javascript objects {}. Individual Java classes or interfaces can be excluded from this conversion by using system.addWrapFactoryExcludedClass()and system.removeWrapFactoryExcludedClass()e.g.

    Code: Select all


    The scope of changes made by these methods applies to the currently executing form, web service, workflow job etc.

  • New methods addCssClass() and removeCssClass() have been added for all controls. These methods allow classes to be added and removed dynamically without affecting other classes assigned to the control.
  • The ability to iterate through items in a list has been added. This can be used when a list is associated with either a field or a List Control:

    Code: Select all

      var items = controls.listControl.list.items;
      while (
        var val = items.listValue;
        if (val == "danger")
          controls.listItem1.backgroundColor = "red";
9. The ability to monitor the number of database connections in a connection pool has been added. In the Server Admin App, click on Database Connections then click the icon for an individual database to display information about the current usage of the connection pool. This can also be used to restart the connection pool in the event of problems.

10. The ability to run an HTML entity file has been added.

11. Creation of a new project now allows you to select a pre-configured folder structure or model the folder structure on an existing project. This behavior can be disabled in designer preferences.

12. A new Save All icon has been added to the main toolbar (next to the Save icon) – this saves all open entities that have been changed.

13. The Getting Started option has been removed from the Help menu – the tutorials provided by this option have been revamped and are now included in the Resource Hub

14. A small change has been made to the HTML generated for a Table Control. This might have any impact on existing forms which have been styled using CSS which is dependent on the HTML structure.

15. A Bootstrap presentation template has been developed and is included in the workspace within the VerjSamples project. This is based on Bootstrap 4.0.0 beta.

16. Designer Preferences contains a new Privacy tab. This allows you to disable the link between the studio and the portal.

17. Various bug fixes.

If you are upgrading from a previous Ebase version to V5.3.2 you will be initially presented with a logon screen when you first start the studio; if you have not previously registered on the portal, click on the Sign up link at the bottom of the logon panel. If you are already registered then enter your credentials - any service plans to which you have access will automatically appear as deployment targets. If you have previously registered with the Ebase Customer Portal you should be able to use the same userid/password combination for the new portal. Once you have logged on successfully to the studio, your credentials will be remembered and you should not need to logon again unless you explicitly logout of the Portal.
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